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Embedded WebRTC Services

Image by Sahand Babali
Image by Jorge Ramirez

At Centedge Technologies, we specialize in delivering cutting-edge WebRTC solutions tailored for low-powered embedded devices. Our expertise ensures that you can build and deploy robust audio and video applications with seamless real-time communication capabilities. Whether you're struggling with optimizing performance for resource-constrained environments or need a reliable solution for your embedded system, our team is dedicated to providing innovative, scalable, and efficient WebRTC services. From custom integration and optimization to full-scale application development, we help you achieve superior performance and reliability in your embedded WebRTC projects. Let us partner with you to transform your ideas into high-performance, real-time communication solutions.

What We


LibWebRTC compilation

Compiling LibWebRTC is not a small effort. We are here to help you with compilation of the LibWebRTC library according to the hardware specifications of your target device where the library is supposed to run.


GStreamer integration

Did you build a solution but the video quality is not great? It may be because your camera acquisition may not be proper. Gstreamer and we both can surely help you with this.


Performance optimization

Is your C++ video application gets stuck intermittently while running? Have you implemented a multi threading strategy so that all the activities are running independent of each other? We can help you implement a multi threaded and optimized approach for your application for the best possible performance with the available CPU capacity.


C++ app development

Planning to build a C++ native application on LibWebRTC? Be careful, danger ahead! We are here to help you build a performant C++ native video calling application even on a low powered ARM CPU.


Hardware acceleration

Is the Video quality suffering due low powered CPU but you have a unused VPU/GPU? We can help here by offloading your video processing to VPU/GPU so that the CPU can be used for other important tasks.



Worried about integration of your native C++ video application with other applications? We are here to help you integrate a native video application to other applications for smooth exchange of business data and functionalities.

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